1. Once you have joined the meeting, hover your mouse around the center of the screen to bring up the Meeting Controls and then select the Share option as shown below:

2. You have a few options here depending on what you need, so choose your own adventure!

A. I want to share one of my windows or applications only (I don't want attendees to see my other open documents!):

Select one of your applications/browsers tabs under Window. This will ensure that attendees see nothing but what you chose.

B. I want to present a Powerpoint presentation and nothing else:

Teams automatically has access to all of your Powerpoint slideshows on your OneDrive folders, so the most recent ones will be shown as options. Click on Browse if you need to look through your OneDrive contents for another Powerpoint file.

C. I want to share my whole desktop screen and (maybe) allow temporary remote control to IT:

Choose the Desktop option to show your whole desktop, including all applications. If needed, this allows you to select the option to allow the other attendees to take control over your mouse:

Just click on the option to Give Control on the upper part of the screen to allow remote control.