This article applies to two scenarios:

A. You have your passwords saved up in a text file, Word document (or similar) and/or a spreadsheet

B. you have your passwords written down in paper

Adding passwords manually to Bitwarden works great, but if you're trying to input a large amount of them it can become tedious clicking from through it.

A recommended approach is to put all of the logins you need in a spreadsheet that you can import into Bitwarden.

Navigating through cells and copying/pasting will save you time and effort, and we have included a spreadsheet that can easily be filled out. Please download the attached spreadsheet (bitwarden_templatesheet.csv) at the bottom of this article and follow along:

When you open the spreadsheet, notice the header names and the sample entry on the first line that you can use for reference:

In your spreadsheet, each row under the first line (headers) is a unique login, please use the following list to understand what each column is used for:

Most common ones to use:

login_username: username (email address in most cases)

login_password: self-explanatory

login_uri: website for the login (not a mandatory field)
notes: used for a description of the site or additional useful data related to the site (recovery codes, security question answers, etc.)

type: required, use login as a default. See the screenshot below other types of entries you can use.

Less common (therefore not required to use):

folder: Bitwarden allows you to organize logins in folders

favorite: add to the favorites logins filtered view. Enter the number "1" if you desire to mark it as such

fields: Follow this link for further clarification

reprompt: whether you want to be prompted to input the vault master password every time you want to auto-fill this login

login_totp: Follow this link for further clarification

With that in mind, you can copy and paste all your passwords following the required fields per login and then simply import it into Bitwarden following the process in Phase 2 of this help article.