1. In Outlook, switch to the Calendar view and then create a New meeting. Note that this meeting will be created under your personal calendar and you will be set as the host. If you need to request on behalf of someone else, please check this solution guide.

2.  Then switch to Scheduling Assistant to have a better view of any possible meeting conflicts for the Room and possible attendees.

3. At the bottom, click Add Rooms… to select which room you want to book

4. On the pop up window you will see all available Rooms as we don't have too many in the City. Select the Room that you need to book, click on Rooms -> and then OK

5. Back to the Scheduling Assistant, you can also Add Attendees… at this point by clicking on the button with the same name.

6. Choose the individuals that need to attend. You can add them to the list of required or optional depending if it's a mandatory or necessary meeting for that person or if it's just suggested that they attend.

7. Once all attendees and rooms have been selected, the Scheduling Assistant will give you a quick overview if there's a conflict with the date and time that you have selected. You won't be able to book a room during a time slot that has already been allocated by someone else.

8. Before you send this appointment, always make sure to include a Subject line to your Meeting request. You can go back to the Appointment menu (right about the Scheduling Assistant option selected at the beginning of this guide) and then enter a Subject Line so your attendees and the Room Supervisor knows the purpose of this meeting.

9. If further explanation is needed, or if you want to give a detail on the agenda for the meeting, just type it on the box at the bottom of the window.

10. Click on send to create the meeting. This will send an email to all attendees and also to any room supervisors, in case that a room needs to be approved prior to booking.