NOTE! If your Android device is older than 2 years or hasn't received updates during that period of time, the instructions below won't work for you.
Please refer to the following article on how to setup the Microsoft Outlook app from the Google Play Store: How do I setup my City email on my phone?

If your device is up to date, follow the instructions below (screenshots might differ based on your Android device and applied user themes):

1. Tap Settings > Accounts > Add account > Email

2. Select Office365

3. Type your full email address, for example, and then tap Next. On the next screen, type your password and tap Sign In.

4. Approve your multi-factor sign in request through your authorized device.

 5. Select Apply to accept the security policies required to sync the account.

5. Once the device verifies the server settings, the Account Options page opens. Accept the defaults or select the options for how you want to receive and send your mail, and then tap Done. (You may need to scroll down to see Done)

6. Tap on Activate: The device admin requires you to authorize your phone to comply with the security requirements.

7On the Set up email page you can change the Name of your account. When you're finished tap Done.