Office Apps

Solutions dedicated to any application under the umbrella of Office 365: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access...

How to import multiple Word documents into one
1. On a new document, go to the Insert tab: 2. Then select the down facing triangle under the Object option, as shown below. From the new drop-down...
Mon, 2019, Feb 25 1:39 PM
How to create an automatic Table of Contents in Word
1. Go to the References tab 2. Select Table of Contents to get a drop-down with different options for tables. The first 2 are automatic tables that wi...
Mon, 2019, Feb 25 1:46 PM
How to create a PDF from a Word document retaining Hyperlinks/Bookmarks
Heading Styles guarantee that you will get automatic bookmarks that link to the sections inside the document. Once Heading Styles and a table of contents ha...
Mon, 2019, May 20 2:08 PM
How do I set the top row on a spreadsheet to sort the table content?
Make sure you select the portion of the table you need or all of it if there's only one header or none: Click on the Data tab and then Filter:...
Tue, 2020, May 26 12:02 PM
Excel | How to copy formatting from another cell
Copy and apply formatting Select the text, shape, cells, or picture that has the format you want to copy. Select Format Painter  . Single-cli...
Tue, 2021, Feb 16 2:01 PM
How do I disable comment notifications?
You can go to the bottom of one of the received email notifications and click on Notification Settings This will take you to your OneDrive Notifica...
Wed, 2023, Feb 1 3:28 PM